(Amaran keras, entry ni campur english+malay, sory campur campur sebab nak kena tulis laju laju, rindu nak update blog and at the same time nak jimat masa. Okay dah, amaran lembut, sambung baca:)
Seriously, the life cycle during this 'long break' jussssssst the same like the time after SPM and during semester break last year *sigh T.T* Well, after a serious and deep thought *ececeh -.-'' I've decided to find a job ! And the perfect time come when my mom offering a job promoted by her friend. Friend lah kot.
Alhamdulillah, the job come to the jobless person. Ngehehe *akulah tu*
And alhamdulillah lagi, dah kerja 2 minggu, kenal ramai orang, dapat pengalaman baru and at least isi masa lapang dengan benda pak edah. Gaji pon dah masuk. Hewww. Bab gaji aku tak demand sangat sebab mintak kerja guna sijil spm je kot. Asasi tak ada sijil baaa, takboleh nak demand tinggi. Ketuk baru tau :)
Tajuk entry ni macam a big deal je dalam hidup aku. Tak pernah kerja dengan orang lain seumur hidup. Pernah tolong nenek and mak cik kat kedai je sebelum ni. Sure feeling tak sama. Tak boleh nak manja-manja, curi tulang, apetah lagi dapat makan free *banyak cekadak pulak*
My chem teacher had said to us during our school time :
'' You all are still young. You have the 'brain' and strength. Use them as maximum as you can to achieve your dreams and contribute to our country. Because who knows, you may not able to use them during your old time.''
Something like that. If you know what she tried to say. A nice advice and young people should take it as self challenge. Advice tu lebih kepada orang yang tengah hardly belajar sebenarnya. But then it is a sudden thought to share with :D
And lagi satu, aku baru je baca entry kak amalina herbalife, a young succesful businesswomen. She said '' It strikes my heart with disappointment bila terbaca tweet seorang anak muda Muslim kita yang berkata, "Here comes another boring weekend." How can you allow that to happen to yourself? Allah is listening when you say, "Here comes another boring weekend." How would that made Allah feels? Semoga kita terus diberi kekuatan untuk mengisi setiap saat dengan kebaikan. A MUSLIM MUST NEVER FEEL BORING. Kalaulah anda mencapai saat bosan dalam hidup anda, bererti your are not doing it right. May Allah protect us''.
Moga kita menjadi lebih baik dari hari ke hari :) Thought of Mat Lutfi's video when talk about finding a job. As salam.