Monday, 29 April 2013

Pengalaman Baru.

Bismillah & Assalamualaikum.

(Amaran keras, entry ni campur english+malay, sory campur campur sebab nak kena tulis laju laju, rindu nak update blog and at the same time nak jimat masa. Okay dah, amaran lembut, sambung baca:) 
Seriously, the life cycle during this 'long break' jussssssst the same like the time after SPM and during semester break last year *sigh T.T* Well, after a serious and deep thought *ececeh -.-'' I've decided to find a job ! And the perfect time come when my mom offering a job promoted by her friend. Friend lah kot. 

Alhamdulillah, the job come to the jobless person. Ngehehe *akulah tu*

And alhamdulillah lagi, dah kerja 2 minggu, kenal ramai orang, dapat pengalaman baru and at least isi masa lapang dengan benda pak edah. Gaji pon dah masuk. Hewww. Bab gaji aku tak demand sangat sebab mintak kerja guna sijil spm je kot. Asasi tak ada sijil baaa, takboleh nak demand tinggi. Ketuk baru tau :)

Tajuk entry ni macam a big deal je dalam hidup aku. Tak pernah kerja dengan orang lain seumur hidup. Pernah tolong nenek and mak cik kat kedai je sebelum ni. Sure feeling tak sama. Tak boleh nak manja-manja, curi tulang, apetah lagi dapat makan free *banyak cekadak pulak*

My chem teacher had said to us during our school time :
'' You all are still young. You have the 'brain' and strength. Use them as maximum as you can to achieve your dreams and contribute to our country. Because who knows, you may not able to use them during your old time.''

Something like that. If you know what she tried to say. A nice advice and young people should take it as self challenge. Advice tu lebih kepada orang yang tengah hardly belajar sebenarnya. But then it is a sudden thought to share with :D

And lagi satu, aku baru je baca entry kak amalina herbalife, a young succesful businesswomen. She said '' It strikes my heart with disappointment bila terbaca tweet seorang anak muda Muslim kita yang berkata, "Here comes another boring weekend." How can you allow that to happen to yourself? Allah is listening when you say, "Here comes another boring weekend." How would that made Allah feels? Semoga kita terus diberi kekuatan untuk mengisi setiap saat dengan kebaikan. A MUSLIM MUST NEVER FEEL BORING. Kalaulah anda mencapai saat bosan dalam hidup anda, bererti your are not doing it right. May Allah protect us''.

Moga kita menjadi lebih baik dari hari ke hari :) Thought of Mat Lutfi's video when talk about finding a job. As salam.

Friday, 12 April 2013

The Memories.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful :)

7 April 2013 / Saturday

Setia City Mall, the last place I went before going back off to Melaka and spent time with besties. So the story of the day start when Ju, Amel and aku pergi SCM. Diorang jelah ada masa teman aku jalan-jalan kat situ. Alhamdulillah. Datang-datang kat bus stop je dah ada bus rapid si jantung hati intan permata. Errr.. Walaupun dalam bas dah macam tin sardin nak meletop, kira okay la takyah tunggu for another 1 hour just for the bus. Heh

Sampai sana, perkara pertama yang kitorang buat ialah makan. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki lebih, decided nak try makan kat Kenny Rogers. Huiyoo first time kot aku dengan Ju makan kat kedai pak cik kenny ni. Rasa macam ala-ala hotel especially time waiter ambil order. Masing-masing bajet kewl, order makanan omputeh dengan side dishes, muffin and drinks bagai. Sorang ''eat like a dato'' sorang lagi ''eat like a datin''. Aku jelah nampak kampung sikit sebab sebut nama western pun tak reti. Ayam je pung kan. duhhh -.-''

Aksi makan je dah macam-macam gaya. Rasa macam nak karate potong ayam ni pun hadooo.


Perut dah kenyang, cuci mata pulak. Tapi cuci mata yang hok ni belum mampu menghilangkan tahap rabun tinggi aku. Aku cuci mata, masuk kedai cenderamata, masuk kedai buku. Macam habit dah. Kitorang dah tahu butik kat scm tu boleh buat poket tahap kering kemarau, so awal-awal lagi dah buat tembok besar penahan nafsu shopping. Jeling pun tak wokeyh. Last last buku jugak yang diborong. Nasib baik ada baucer BB1M lagi. Hewhew

Masa ni semangat membaca tinggi woo. Bajet giler ulat buku. Dei pirahhh 

A lot of things happen today. Even for a short time. The memories that will always in the heart. Thanks for spending your time with me, JZA and Amel-liosaurus. Very appreciate and specially thanks with love to you. Hopefully there'll be a time that we can meet again. To my SMA-mates, roomate, hosemates and groupmates too. Good luck and all the best in your future undertakings. Bittaufiq wannajah. May Allah bless us :')

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Alhamdulillah. The Last Day As Foundations Student.


Alhamdulillah. Today is the last day of final exam and also the last day of holding the tittle as foundations student at palam. Means that it has been almost a year since we are here. And all of us had successfully gone through all the difficulties, obstacles and fight till the end. Learning process is interesting and exciting but examinations are terrible, horrible, stressing and full of depressions ! Errr over pulak cara aku describe exam -.-''

Lega tak lega bila exam dah habis. Walaupun ekcelli unfavourite paper fizik tadi agak mencabar kewanitaan aku, tapi aku dah cuba sedaya upaya menjawab paper tu dengan tenang dan kewl. Susah gila potato kot paper tu. Bagi aku la kan. But then, we'll get based on what we work for. Berusaha berdoa dan bertawakal. Hope and pray for the best. Be grateful no matter how the result is.

At the same time, sadly to say that tomorrow will be the last day of being here. Be at this comfortable and nice place, and be with them.

>>> My dear roomate, housemates, groupmates, lecturemates, and dearly SMA-mates.

Sobssss. Nampak la kan kesedihan tu bila ada yang nak nangis, muram semacam je muka dan ada jugak yang cover cover bajet tak sedih :p

Its just that we are far from each other, by knowing that we all live under the same sky, breath in the same air and we can still in contact with each other unlimitedly, pray that Allah will strengthen these bondings and relationships forever. Insya Allah, friends till jannah :)

May Allah shower His blessings upon us,
May Allah protect us in whatever we do,
May Allah give a big success to us in dunya' and akhirah.

Sorry for every wrong doings. May Allah bless you.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Waiting To Be End.


Two more papers left for final exams. And 4 more days to go before this foundations life end. Yes. Serius ah en T.T Sedih wuu. Just want the exams to end but not this foundations life actually. Heh. Sekejap je masa. Need to move on. Yeah ! Biology and physics only left. Hewhew. Calo beteh